Stellar Apartments is 54-unit family housing development located in Eugene, Oregon. Building types include one, two and three bedroom units, in two and three story multi-unit buildings. A community center provides space for offices, kid’s room, laundry and community meetings. 10 units are targeted for National Guard families and 4 units are set aside for homeless veterans.
Challenges included deep, highly plastic soils resulting in over-excavation and controlled density fill for all building foundations. Owners choice to pursue Passive House Certification (more stringent than LEED for Homes) had a steep learning curve for us with new materials such as 4-inches of exterior foam insulation and following robust air sealing details.
Completion Date: July 2013
Area: 13 buildings 54 units
Project Manager: Curt Meili
Assistant Project Manager: Kris Russnogle
Superintendent: Curt Dawson
10 Van Buren Street
Eugene, OR 97402
CCB# 63771