Meili Construction is committed to sustaining our environment. Site disruption and consumption of natural resources is part of the construction process. We believe it is our responsibility however, to use environmentally sustainable construction practices and techniques in the construction of our projects to minimize these effects to our environment. Click on each symbol below to learn our building green goals.

treating the Site Appropriately
- Implement and install an erosion control plan
- Save and re-use topsoil on and off-site
- Install dry wells, rain gardens and other storm water dispersion designs rather than further taxing the city storm water systems
- Grind branches and stumps (when practical) and remove them to a recycling center for re-use

Meeting Energy Codes
- Meet or exceed water use efficiency standards
- Meet or exceed 2014 Oregon Energy Code
- Meet or exceed Earth Advantage requirements

preventing waste & Recycling
- Use quality, well-maintained tools and equipment
- Organize storage and protection for all equipment, tools and building materials at jobsites
- Provide detailed cut-lists to framing crews to minimize material usage
- Centralize cutting of materials
- Reuse scrap materials in framing by using two-stud corners, insulated headers, and ladder partitions at exterior walls when practical
- Our Jobsite Recycle Plan includes separate recycle bins for wood, cardboard, concrete/asphalt rubble, metal, drywall, and garbage
- We have a mandatory subcontractor project clean-up program for our employees and subcontractors

purchasing resource efficient products
The following products are good examples of resource efficient products that are regularly used on our projects:
- Edge-gold stand board subflooring
- Strand board timbers and joists
- Finger-jointed cedar exterior trim
- Recycled sheetrock
- MDF trim and doors
- Formaldehyde-free casework
- Water-based adhesives and coatings

promoting responsible ownership
- Install Energy Star appliances and other energy efficient systems
- Install efficient irrigation systems
- Build recycle centers in each residence or community area
- Educate residents on proper use of energy efficient products and systems

manage hazardous waste properly
- Use water based products and other environmentally sensitive products to reduce hazardous waste
- Properly communicate and enforce a Hazardous Waste Plan
- Properly remove and dispose of hazardous waste

maximizing energy efficiency
The St. Vincent de Paul “Passive House” (left) at the Stellar Apartments used new construction methods to test out a new building technique. It features “energy efficient buildings with year-round comfort and good environment conditions.” The Passive House was the first of its kind in our area and provides sustainability that surpasses even the standards of the Earth Advantage program. It was also featured in the 2014 Greenbuild Report as well as PHIUS or Passive House Institute US.
The following systems and devices are good examples that have been used regularly on our projects:
- Whisper-green timers on our ventilation devices
- Irrigation timers
- Compact fluorescent and LED lighting
- Solar water heating
- Photovoltaic solar power

Promoting good air quality and health
Use appropriate HVAC systems—example of appropriate systems used on our projects include:
- Whole-house ventilation systems
- ERVs and HRVs
- Whisper Green bath timers
- Window ventilators
- Use low toxin and formaldehyde emitting products whenever possible
- Implement appropriate exterior Rain Screen and flashing systems on the building exterior to prevent water infiltration

Energy Star Partnership
We have a very strong commitment to building homes and multi-unit projects that meet the Energy Star guidelines. In order to qualify a multi-unit project under the Energy Star Guidelines, it must have at least two of the following:
- Tight Thermal Envelope
Indoor Air Quality and Energy - High-efficiency Lighting and Appliances
- Efficient Heating, Cooling and Water Heating
Sealed Duct System
Our Energy Star Partnership keeps us ahead of state energy code regulations—keeping us on the cutting edge of energy efficiency. Energy Star certification also ensures the quality of the buildings—ensuring fewer callbacks and eliminating third-party inspections.

Earth advantage Program
We partner frequently with the Earth Advantage Program. The primary goal of the Earth Advantage Program is to save at least fifteen percent of the energy costs over projects that are built to standard Oregon Energy Code. In addition, Earth Advantage strives to enhance indoor air quality and durability through improved building techniques. These techniques not only save energy, but also increase livability, durability and the overall value of the project.
Meili Construction is very familiar with the “ins and outs” of the Earth Advantage program and it implementation in the construction process. Projects built with Earth Advantage include Bascom Village Phase 1, Stellar Apartments, The Lamb Building, Afiya Apartments, Sheldon Village, Heather Glen and the Santa Clara Apartments, to name a few.