Our Commitment to Promoting Equality Amongst Diverse Populations
Our Diversity and Inclusion Statement
At Meili Construction, we celebrate our differences and promote a culture that protects our equality. We believe every person’s voice adds value and that value is recognized by our coworkers, business partners, and the customers we serve.

Learning and Listening
At Meili, we are committed to learning and listening to populations facing disparaging inequalities in life. As a company, we are looking for ways to grow our culture towards being an environment where everyone feels valued, respected and included. We encourage our staff to educate themselves through reading resources on how they can join the fight in eliminating social inequalities and prejudices in our society today.
Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Meili Construction’s newly formed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee (pictured right) has proposed an initiative which has been formally adopted by our company. Our primary objectives are to remove barriers and create opportunities to maximize our workforce diversity as well as fight against systematic inequalities facing minorities and low income populations. Actions from this initiative are as follows:
- Improving company policy directives through DEI Committee meetings
- Emphasizing that DEI Education in a personal responsibility – not the responsibility of coworkers in diverse communities
- Increasing DEI awareness through individual paid training and education materials
- Providing a workplace where every voice is heard through DEI focus groups and access to DEI Committee members
- Providing approved time off to celebrate or commemorate significant events in our diverse communities
- Emphasizing jobsite safety programs that promote comradery and unity
Our DEI Committee is also addressing how our company can be more accessible in our hiring processes by including online applications offered in both English and Spanish, financial help with safety gear as well as transportation.
For employees looking to learn more about joining our DEI Committee please fill this quick form so we can contact you.