Alona Place

Located in Junction City, Oregon, Alona Place provides 40 housing units for families and seniors near the heart of the town. Site design issues included storm water design, poor soil conditions and insufficient capacity of the existing public sanitary system. We achieved Earth Advantage – Gold. Sustainability efforts focused on enhanced air sealing measures and a high quality envelope to maximize the long term benefit of passive, low tech strategies. A rainscreen system with careful attention to flashing details provides excellent durability for harsh weather conditions.
Construction challenges included extensive work within the public right-of-way to extend a new sanitary line under difficult conditions–deep excavations in poorly compacted existing fill within a maze of existing public and private utilities.

Project Details

Completed: August 2016

Area: 12 Buildings, 40 Units

Owner: Saint Vincent DePaul

Architect: Bergsund DeLaney Architecture

Project Team:

Project Manager: Curt Meili

Assistant Project Manager: Kris Russnogle

Superintendent: Les Biggerstaff


Project Details:
Project Completed:
Project Team: